Boost Energy, Build Immunity, Create Calm

The E.A.S.E. Method is Your Blueprint to Boost Energy, Build Immunity, and Create A Sense of Calm - Without the Hustle or the Hard

We're Having a Moment Right Now,  Aren't We?

And that moment is lasting longer than we thought it would.

Between our reactions to a global pandemic, changes in our work, loss of routine and changes to our normal patterns of cooking, sleeping and exercising, many of us feel less than our very best now.

We’re tired. We’re stressed. We’re overwhelmed.

We need new ways to help us face this new way of living. The ways we learned about health from our doctors and from dieting culture don’t serve us anymore.  

Hustling only makes us more stressed and depleted.

Old systems won’t work, and now is not the time for a complicated cleanse or fancy detox.

It’s time for grace and structured flexibility.


“What if instead of doing things to be skinny that only damage your health,
you gave yourself the grace and permission to create foundational health?”

Your body is elegantly designed.

... But much of what we do or have been taught to do breaks that elegant design. When you create balance in the body by changing the inputs to your hormones and mitochondria, you work with your body instead of against it. You get out of the trap of taking off a few pounds, only to put them right back on. I’m so passionate about this information, I want to share it with you.

Introducing the
E.A.S.E. Method Mini Course

This online course is a 30-day recalibration to help you Cultivate Energy, Build Immunity and Create Calm with Simplicity and Ease

This is not a bootcamp or complicated cleanse with difficult recipes.  

This is a reasonable, realistic, and healthy way to heal your body, and gain more energy and calm in the face of stress and new routines. 

We’ll bring in rituals and routines to install more calm in your day.  We’ll introduce foods you can eat to outsmart stress and get you out of hangry and shaky.  We’ll help you prioritize rest and set up much needed boundaries to technology.  We’ll guide you toward feeling present and intentional.


As I have observed myself adapting to this new way of living and in speaking with clients and colleagues, these common themes come up:

  • Worry, stress, and overwhelm are taking your attention.
  • Sheltering at home means cooking more, eating more, indulging more.
  • Uncertainty may be keeping you up at night and not allowing you to get the proper rest which impacts hormones, inflammation, weight.

My EASE Method shows you how to better manage stress, optimize your body’s ability to energize itself and regulate your responses in the face of stressors.

What My Clients Say


I didn’t realize how much my mental and emotional state were interfering with my healthy diet.  Mary taught me a whole new awareness of how to put myself and body into a state of wellness. I come back to these tools over and over.

Pam S. 

 / Critical Care Nurse


I love how Mary takes the complex and makes it simple and approachable.  We all know that gut health is important but she has ways to make it part of every day eating.  In a world of potions and products, her approach is refreshing.


/ Women’s Health Expert


Knowing how to support your body is key to good health! Mary will help you learn what your body needs for the ultimate healthy lifestyle! As she says, ‘it’s not what you eat, but what you digest’. My body and mind feel so much better!


/ Interior Designer

The last year was challenging in so many ways.

 Let's start fresh with a healthy, peaceful note. Even in the midst
of chaos and uncertainty, let's make your wellness a priority.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside the E.A.S.E. Method


Introduction (why are we here, what do you want to get out of this time.)

Health programs usually begin and end with conventional weight loss. No matter what you label it, it usually amounts to calorie counting, eating less and moving more. When you are already under massive amounts of stress, those efforts are actually destructive, create more stress and cause your body to gain weight. We’re going to break out of the diet as health cycle and help you coach your own body into optimal, foundational health.


Managing Thoughts & Emotions

We begin with learning how to honor our emotional health. Most of us confuse self-improvement with self-shaming. You can’t hate your way to healthy. You can’t shame your way to skinny. A nervous system that is agitated equals systemic inflammation. So we start with cooling and nourishing your nervous system.


 Understanding and Honoring Your Biology:  Part 1: Blood sugar

Most people, especially as we age, have poorly regulated and controlled blood sugar. Whether it’s from undereating, skipping meals, too much sugar in the diet or high levels of stress, blood sugar swings make us foggy, tired, bloated and prevent us from sleeping well. You’ll learn how to tame your most powerful hormone insulin. When your blood sugar and insulin are well controlled, you will feel more calm, less anxious, have steady energy and rid yourself of the restrict to binge cycle forever.


 Understanding and Honoring Your Biology:  Part 2: Gut Health

Your gut microbiome is home to 40 Trillion organisms. The lining of the gut is the barrier between you and toxins, food particles and other invaders. When your gut is healthy, you will be full of energy. When it’s not you may feel achy, bloated and less able to chose foods that will make you feel good. You’ll learn the simple tips and tricks to improve your gut, your ability to absorb and eliminate food well. All of this will make you stronger, more energetic and dramatically improve your immunity.


 Resiliency and Recovery: Movement and Daily Detox

Movement is key to feeling well. But taking on too much too soon too fast is actually hard on your body. When we are already stressed, extreme exercise is actually a harmful stressor. You’ll learn to shift your thinking around what exercise can look like and use it as a tool for relaxation and for balancing your hormones.


Resiliency and Recovery: Movement and Sleep Optimization

Your body actually does most of its major repair during sleep.  Your immune system is either turned up or down depending on how much and how well you sleep. But many of us cheat ourselves of sleep or we have difficulty feeling rested from our sleep. You’ll learn how to prioritize your sleep, create routines that promote better sleep and learn how to eat so that your sleep occurs easily and well.


Healthy Boundaries and Navigating a Setback

How to keep your EASE method working. We all suffer setbacks. Health requires a daily renewed commitment just like our relationships. They work because we renew our commitment over and over again. We’ll talk about why setbacks or running out of gas happen and how to navigate those successfully.

Mary Brooks

We need each other.  Right now, more than ever before. We need a place to show up, share authentically and then do the simple things that will keep us strong and allow us to emerge.  

We need resiliency of mind, of body, of spirit.  We need to take epic care of our families, our homes, ourselves.  

Truthfully, we have faced hard times and we will again.  

The more we develop this inner reserve, this trust in ourselves, this ability to live and eat simply, the more we will be able to tap into that supply again and again.  


Join me in moving forward with a focus on positive health: energy, immunity, and an overall sense of calm.

What You Get

Two classes each week to help you reframe and nurture your health and get out of the cycle of feeling tired, anxious or overwhelmed. In these two short but effective master classes, you will gain mastery over your hormones, as well as the systems that govern your wellbeing.  These mini classes will ensure that you Nourish Your Nervous System, Use Food to Shut Down Stress, Improve Gut Health and Digestion, Optimize Rest and Recovery, Set Boundaries and …. And so much More.

Weekly, easy-to-use cheat sheets or handouts to show you exactly how to put your newly learned key practices to work in your life simply and effectively. The consistency of action even on some of the more simple practices (blood sugar, gut healing, lowering cortisol, establishing your circadian rhythm) will have a profound impact on your health and well-being.

Before you embark on a detox, diet or protocol, The E.A.S.E. method will
elevate your entire state of health mentally, physically and emotionally.

Awareness:  Get clear and confident about the thoughts, behaviors and stressors that are blocking you from being your best self. Avoid over-commitment or believing that discipline and motivation will solve everything.

Organization: Adding more to your expectations, without an honest inventory and the tools on how to navigate hard days is a recipe for failure. You’ll learn how to create rituals, routines and habits that you love and will want to return to over and over again.

Implementation:  We often forget that while the brain thinks big, the body does small. You’ll set yourself up with practices that are gradual but stacking so as you learn how the body works optimally, you will know which habits will have the greatest impact on your health but be able to go at a pace that is doable.

Recalibration: Just like any project, everything takes more time and more energy than we expect.  The path to health is littered with life interruptions, and days that simply don’t go as planned.  When we know this and are willing to evaluate as well as recommit, we reap the rewards of good health and energy and avoid the roundtrip tickets of self-blame, inconsistent action or falling into neglect and self-abandoning.

When you level up your energy, the value and experience of everything in your life levels up.

Your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed

I promise that you CAN do this. But the best part is that you don’t have to be convinced NOW.

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the program in 7 days, you can request a refund. The last thing I want is another woman feeling like she’s broken or that nothing she tries will work for her. So, after looking around and trying this on, you decide it’s not for you, I’ll gladly refund you.